EON Reality Mauritius, local subsidiary of the world’s # 1 virtual and augmented reality, inaugurated Wednesday, December 9 its Interactive Digital Center (IDC) in Mauritius. This center of excellence, the first of its kind in Africa, including the VR Innovation Academy, a content creation unit and a showroom.
This was inaugurated at an official ceremony in the premises of EON Reality Mauritius attended by 150 guests, including Roshi Bhadain, Minister of Technology, Communication and Innovation, Xavier Duval, Minister of Tourism and external communications and Sherry Singh, CEO of Mauritius Telecom, Dan Lejerskar, Chairman of EON Reality and Prakash Padaruth, CEO of EON Reality in Africa. The Minister Bhadain was particularly pleased to have such a business Mauritius. «It is an honor for me to participate in the launch of the first in Africa, and I have to commend the work done by my predecessor in the ministry, Jugnauth, for it is he who approved the implantation Maurice EON Reality, in March. Today we are better able to meet the ambition of the Government to go upmarket
Read the full story here.