The use of technology is spreading across college football. Florida State’s use of GPS technology to track players is well documented. Now Syracuse has turned to a new-age way to help train its players.
Here’s how it works: a virtual reality headset plugs into a computer, allowing players to view plays through their own point of view. A specific 3D technology creates depth perception, and defenders’ characteristics can be configured to simulate an opponent. For example, a players’ 40-speed can be inputted into the software to determine how quickly he can come off the line.
EON Sports VR has created the software the football programs are using. CEO Brendan Reilly told The Post-Standard:
«The most value is at the quarterback position, but then you get in front of guys that are offensive line coaches and they’re like, ‘Wow, if we can have this, we could look at what next week’s front is going to be and call out our shifts and what our protections are going to be,'» said Brendan Reilly, the 28-year-old CEO of EON Sports VR.
Read the full story here.