With over 160 companies vying for recognition at the Techblazer Awards, EON Reality ranks competitively in the 18-strong shortlist thanks to EON-XR’s powerful performance. In its first ever nomination for the ‘Most Impactful’ category, EON-XR simplifies Augmented and Virtual Reality content creation and is praised for its flexibility in allowing educational institutions and enterprises in energy, aerospace, and manufacturing to build, deploy, and scale knowledge-transfer applications.
Singapore’s Techblazer Awards recognize companies making a difference with innovative technology for educational institutions and other ventures on a global scale, which is exactly where the EON-XR Platform excels. The nomination within the Techblazer Awards’ ‘Most Impactful’ category demonstrates both the innovation and impact of EON-XR, as well as EON Reality’s partnership as a developer with Singapore Infocomm Technology (ICT) companies.
EON-XR is currently being utilized by Fortune and FTSE 500 companies across the world — including by companies in the energy sector like Petroskills, TSC, ExxonMobil, and educational institutions like Temasek Polytechnic — but the Techblazers’ winners won’t be announced until November 7, so stay tuned for the latest updates on the ever-growing platform.
[/fusion_text][fusion_button link=»https://www2.eonreality.com/l/306871/2018-10-01/491jx» text_transform=»» title=»» target=»_self» link_attributes=»» alignment=»center» modal=»» hide_on_mobile=»small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility» class=»» id=»» color=»default» button_gradient_top_color=»» button_gradient_bottom_color=»» button_gradient_top_color_hover=»» button_gradient_bottom_color_hover=»» accent_color=»» accent_hover_color=»» type=»» bevel_color=»» border_width=»» size=»» stretch=»default» shape=»» icon=»» icon_position=»left» icon_divider=»no» animation_type=»» animation_direction=»left» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_offset=»»]SCHEDULE A DEMO OF THE EON-XR PLATFORM[/fusion_button][fusion_separator style_type=»single solid» hide_on_mobile=»small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility» class=»» id=»» sep_color=»#bfbdbd» top_margin=»30px» bottom_margin=»20px» border_size=»» icon=»» icon_circle=»» icon_circle_color=»» width=»30%» alignment=»center» /][fusion_text columns=»» column_min_width=»» column_spacing=»» rule_style=»default» rule_size=»» rule_color=»» class=»» id=»»]About the awards
SG:D Techblazer Awards is the nation’s highest accolade for tech innovation and aims to provide recognition and endorsement to Singapore-based organisations and companies that have exemplified the spirit of innovation in their development of tech products and services, or their use of tech to achieve excellence. The Awards also aim to spur greater innovation from the winning companies and propel them to greater heights in the region and internationally, with the hopes that these companies will also blaze the trail for others.
The Awards is a merger of the bi-annual National Infocomm Awards (NIA) by then-Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), and the annual SiTF Awards by then-Singapore Infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF), with the goal of strengthening and accelerating digital transformation efforts. The Awards will consist of new award categories and will be held annually hereafter, jointly organised by IMDA and SGTech.
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