EON US & Canada Skills Grant Program

for Large Scale Workforce Skills Development

EON Reality Inc.
18 Technology Drive, Suite 173
Irvine, CA 92618 United States

Grant Program

I. Purpose

EON Reality’s US & Canada Skills Grant Program supports academic institutions and governmental organizations in launching new Spatial AI programs, developing the future workforce’s Spatial AI skills, deploying Spatial AI solutions at scale, and enabling localized content creation. Through this grant, organizations receive financial and technical support for organization-wide rollouts of Spatial AI programs.

EON Reality’s Spatial AI technology and EON AI Assistant, along with the Learn, Train, Perform framework and EON Spatial AI Programs, enable organizations to create immersive, interactive, and intelligent training and learning experiences. These solutions are designed to help organizations develop the future workforce’s Spatial AI skills, deploy Spatial AI solutions at scale, and enable localized content creation.

II. Benefits

The EON Reality’s US & Canada Skills Grant Program offers selected institutions:

    • Financial support in the form of a grant amounting up to $20M USD, which covers various EON solutions and services
    • Access to EON Reality’s cutting-edge Spatial AI technology and EON AI Assistant
    • Implementation of EON Reality’s Learn, Train, and Perform framework for immersive and interactive training and learning experiences
    • Inclusion in EON Spatial AI Programs, tailored to the institution’s specific needs and goals
    • Assistance with deploying Spatial AI solutions at scale to enhance learning outcomes and workforce development
    • Support for localized content creation, enabling institutions to develop customized, culturally relevant learning materials
    • Collaboration with EON Reality in securing additional grants for further expansion of the Spatial AI operation
    • Access to EON Reality’s global network of partners and experts, facilitating knowledge exchange and best practice sharing
    • Ongoing technical support and guidance from EON Reality throughout the grant period to ensure successful implementation and integration of Spatial AI solutions
    • Opportunities to showcase the institution’s Spatial AI achievements and innovations through EON Reality’s communication channels and events

By participating in the EON Reality’s US & Canada Skills Grant Program, institutions can accelerate their digital transformation and better prepare their students and workforce for the rapidly evolving global economy.

III. Eligibility

Only invited candidates are eligible for the US & Canada Skills Grant Program. The Program has been developed for organizations that are seeking XR based EdTech solutions at Scale and lack funding to launch organization-wide rollouts of XR programs in the post-pandemic world.

IV. How does it work?

If the Application is approved, EON Learn of Life issues a Certificate of Approval and EON Reality and the Applicant sign an Offer Letter to set up a research study as follows:

    • Grant Amount
      Up to $20M USD consisting of EON Spatial AI Platform, EON-XR Platform, EON Merged XR, EON Spatial Meeting, EON Metaverse Builder, EON Interact,  EON Train AI, EON AI Ready, EON SoftSkill, and EON AI Assistant for up to 5000 students & 750 work/internships and Hardware as per EON Spatial AI Center equipment list. All licenses are Perpetual for Usage of created lessons. 
    • Grant Partner’s Out-of-Pocket Match
      Upon EON Reality’s delivery of the EON-XR platform the Grant Partner shall pay a one-time Grant Match of 15% of the awarded amount which is dependent on the merits of the application and scale of deployment.
    • Additional Application Option
      Once the Offer Letter is signed, EON will work with Grant Partner to secure additional grant funding from other third party sources to expand the XR operation.
V. Grant Process

Only applications received by March 15, 2025 will be considered. The seven steps grant procedure is as follows:

    1. Introduction Meeting – Introduction of the EON-XR Center US & Canada Skills Grant Program.
    2. Application Submission – Submission of Online Application, please note that there are no financial obligations, binding commitments, or any liabilities by submitting the application.
    3. Committee Determination – All applications are reviewed by the FSGP Committee and subject to determination within 30 days after receipt.
    4. Certificate of Approval – If the application is approved, a Certificate is issued for the awarded amount to establish an EON Spatial AI Center for up to 5000 students and 750 work/internships based on the merits of the Application.
    5. Spatial AI Solution Meeting – Deep Dive EON Spatial AI Platform demonstration for XR deployment at scale.
    6. Offer Letter – After being approved, the Applicant receives the Offer Letter. The Applicant has up to 14 days to approve or decline the Offer Letter and Grant Guarantee.
    7. Delivery and Implementation Plan – EON delivers the EON-XR Center along with the pedagogical and technical Spatial AI experts and starts implementing the Academic EON-XR Program.

The Certificate of Approval is valid for 14 days. If the Offer Letter is not signed by both parties within 14 days, the Certificate of Approval expires, and the grant is repatriated to the Learn for Life Foundation for the next Applicant.

VI. Review and Award

The US & Canada Skills Grant Program Committee, consisting of EON’s Advisory members, will determine the overall quality of each Grant application. Applications will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria outlined below. Additional consideration will be given to the Applicant’s potential for carrying out the project, the time commitment, and the adequacy of the justifications presented.

All applications will be forwarded to the US & Canada Skills Grant Program Committee for final approval and be reviewed within 14 days after receipt. If recommended for approval, it will be assigned a score by the Committee which will determine the amount to be received based on the merits of the application.

There are no financial obligations, binding commitments, or any liabilities with submitting the application. If your organization gets approved, you will receive a certificate which is valid for 14 days. During this time, you can approve or decline the offer letter and grant. After receiving your application, EON Reality will take time to go through the agreement with you.

For additional information, contact:
EON Reality Inc.
18 Technology Drive, Suite 173
Irvine, CA 92618
United States
[email protected]

VII. Evaluation Criteria

Once your application is admissible and eligible, EON Reality’s US & Canada Skills Grant Program Committee follows the below evaluation criteria during the evaluation.

Proposals are evaluated and scored against selection and award criteria – organization excellence, impact on developing Spatial AI skills for the future workforce, quality and quantity of the Spatial AI deployment at scale, focus on creation of job opportunities for youth, and build entrepreneurship opportunities in the digital economy, and localized Content creation.

VIII. Scores

The US & Canada Skills Grant Program Committee will score each award criterion on a scale from 0 to 5 (half point scores may be given):

0 – Proposal fails to address the criterion
1 – Poor. The criterion is inadequately addressed or there are serious inherent weaknesses.
2 – Fair. The proposal broadly addresses the criterion, but there are significant weaknesses.
3 – Good. The proposal addresses the criterion well, but a number of shortcomings are present.
4 – Very good. The proposal addresses the criterion very well, but a small number of shortcomings are present.
5 – Excellent. The proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion. Any shortcomings are minor.


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