Wheeler, a virtual reality production veteran, was a key contributor to « Zero Point, » a short VR film created for the Oculus Rift, a virtual-reality headset. The film, released October 2014, features military rescue exercises, relaxing beach scenes and the halls of a bustling electronics trade show.

He developed the film’s custom camera arrays, managed its 360-degree video stitching pipeline, created its real-time 3-D video engine and led its engineering and post-production teams.
« Just as the Internet is ubiquitous, virtual reality will be ubiquitous in 10 or 20 years. This technology is really going to change everyone’s life, » said Mike Rothenberg, founder of Rothenberg Ventures, which is funding Emergent VR and 12 other startups that are developing a wide variety of VR applications for entertainment, medical treatment, education, journalism and employee training.

Read the full story here.