Partnership provides access to Howard Carter’s original records from the discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb to allow for accurate recreation of the tomb’s discovery.
IRVINE, CA, May 6, 2016 – EON Reality Inc., the world leader in Virtual Reality based knowledge transfer for industry, education, and edutainment, announced at the King Tutankhamun conference at GEM a partnership with Dr. Fahti Saleh, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Heritage Affairs and Honorary Director of CULTNAT (Center for Documentation of CULTural and NATural Heritage), to recreate in Virtual Reality the journey of Howard Carter to the Valley of the Kings and his discovery of the Tomb of King Tutankhamun. Carter’s original notes, journal entries, and photographs enable the recreation of the entire journey and tomb discovery for millions to view in Virtual Reality.
Dr. Fathi Saleh’s position at the Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT) enables EON Reality’s content creation team unprecedented access to source material from the 1920s to accurately recreate the events leading up to and after the discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb. One of the major projects under taken by CULTNAT to document Egypt’s rich cultural history, was building the Archeological Map of Egypt for which the center won the Stockholm Challenge Award in 2004.
<p style=»text-align: center; font-size: 10px;»>Dr. Fahti Saleh presenting at the King Tutankhamun conference at GEM.</p>
“The discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb in November 1922 was an unprecedented event,” said Dr. Fahti Saleh. “The documentation of the day by day activities of such a discovery as well as the magnificent black and white photographs taken at that time, makes it one of the best documented archeological excavations of archeological sites. The content of the discovery, which is the most valuable treasure found worldwide, contains more than 4000 pieces. Now, with the advanced information technology tools, including virtual and augmented reality, one can simulate such story of the discovery and the richness of the treasure in a very realistic way.”
This endeavor is part of EON Reality’s <strong><a href=»»>World Heritage Initiative</a></strong> designed to preserve and showcase the world’s shared cultural heritage. People across the globe can now experience the rich history of Egypt as it unfolded through a Virtual Reality experience. Game designers, 3D artists, and Virtual Reality experts are painstakingly recreating the journey of Howard Carter while making it a fun and engaging.
Excavation scene from the Tomb of Tutankhamun VR app.
“The ability to take our history and relive it in Virtual Reality is a major coup for educators and those interested in history,” said Anna Lejerskar, Chair of the EON Learn for Life Program. “The discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun is a milestone in archaeology and is a defining moment in history. We’re proud to be a part of bringing this moment to life as part of our EON World Heritage Initiative and make it available for everyone around the globe.”
Scenes from the treasure room of King Tutankhamun utilizing Howard Carter’s notes, images, and drawings.
EON Reality’s Howard Carter experience is to be released in the end of May of 2016 for Android and iOS phones and tablets. For a preview of the application please see the video trailer or visit our application page.
About EON Reality
EON Reality is the world leader in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) based knowledge transfer for industry, education, and edutainment. EON Reality’s success is tied to its belief that knowledge is a human right and should be available, accessible, and affordable for every human on the planet. To carry this out, EON Reality, since 1999, has developed the de-facto standard for Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality based knowledge transfer software that supports devices from mobile phones to large immersive domes. EON Reality’s global app development network, with twenty-two locations worldwide, has created the world’s leading AR/VR library for knowledge transfer with over 7,000 applications. Over 36 million people worldwide have downloaded these applications. For further information, visit