Introducing the Spatial AI Tour Blog Series by Dan Lejerskar, Founder of EON Reality

Embark on a global journey with Dan Lejerskar, the Founder of EON Reality, as he takes you through the cutting-edge intersections of technology, education, and innovation in the 24-city Spatial AI Tour. In this ongoing series, Dan offers firsthand insights and captivating stories from cities around the world, spotlighting how Spatial AI is transforming the landscapes of learning, training, and technological growth.

It’s been an exhilarating few weeks for us at EON Reality, and I wanted to take a moment to share some of the highlights from our Spatial AI Tour so far. We’ve been on the road, taking the vision of EON Reality to different corners of the world, and the reception has been nothing short of phenomenal

London and York St John University

Last week, we kicked off in the bustling city of London where we engaged with tech leaders, educators, and innovators. The highlight was our collaboration with York St John University, where we showcased how Spatial AI could revolutionize educational experiences. 

With immersive demos and hands-on workshops, we offered a glimpse into the future of interactive learning and training. The enthusiasm from both the faculty and students was incredibly affirming. We look forward to ongoing collaborations with York St John University to drive the future of education technology. A big thank you to the York St John team for putting this together! 

Istanbul, where the worlds collide

Next, we took our mission to Istanbul, where East meets West in a melting pot of cultures and innovations. The city’s entrepreneurial spirit was palpable, and the community there was equally eager to dive into the possibilities of Spatial AI. From meetings with burgeoning tech companies to interactive demos, the experience validated that the appetite for the technology we offer is indeed global.

Velenje, Slovenia with CORe and SAÅ A inkubator

As I write this, we’re in the charming town of Velenje, Slovenia. This might not be a name you hear every day in tech news, but let me assure you, Velenje is brimming with an exciting community of movers and shakers in the tech space.

We have just wrapped up a session here, and the level of engagement and understanding of Spatial AI has been genuinely enlightening. It’s reassuring to see such small communities making big strides in embracing future technologies.

In conclusion, the Spatial AI Tour has so far been a fantastic journey. We are incredibly excited about the connections we’ve made, the collaborations we’re fostering, and the future partnerships we’re looking to build. 

We continue to be inspired by the ways in which different communities, big and small, are eager to embrace the potential of Spatial AI.

We look forward to bringing you more updates as our tour progresses. Your ongoing support and interest are integral to our mission, and we can’t wait to share more success stories with you.

Best regards,
Dan Lejerskar 

P.S.: We will be in Bucharest (Tuesday 12th September) and Sofia (Thursday 14th September) next week. If you happen to be in the area, we would be delighted to catch up at either of the gatherings. Feel free to ping me anytime; my virtual door is always open.

Sign up here for the EON Spatial AI Gathering in YOUR City!