IRVINE, Calif., July 19, 2010 – EON Reality, the world’s leading interactive 3D software provider, today announced the release of EON Coliseum’s Education Content Pack. This quick start «education content pack» provides default 3D environments and 3D objects together with EON Coliseum, an online 3D interactive virtual world platform. EON Coliseum provides realistic communication capabilities between multiple users, incorporating 3D worlds, slideshows, videos and, most important – the ability to interact with 3D objects virtually from anywhere in the world. This is a PC based platform that combines rich media with the realism of any «environment» you wish to «be in» and provides personalized interaction through avatars, voice and chat, allowing greater access to learning with an ability to communicate with one too many from anywhere – anytime while using interactive 3D objects in simulated environments to accelerate learning.
«As you view EON Coliseum, the merging of real space with virtual space, and recognize its value of worldwide, networked learning and that of using interactive objects for almost any kind of learning, please note that the technologies that create the interactive objects and virtual environments also have created a demand for jobs – high impact, high paying jobs,» says Marly Bergerud, Vice President, Education Development, EON Reality. «At a time when employment headlines go from grim to grimmer, this needed workforce for creating such content has and will continue to have an expanding demand and encompasses many job titles for creating 3D interactive visualizations, simulation based learning, 3D animations, serious games, games for learning, etc. Workers are needed – not only to create such interactive digital content for education to meet the needs of today’s learner but to meet a similar demand within business and industry.»
In discussing the next generation of digitally enhanced learning, Mark S. Valenti, President of The Sextant Group, at a recent InfoComm 2010 conference, explained that, «Few things will engage and envelop a child’s attention so completely as being literally immersed in the reality of what they are learning. From historical events, such as a war or the signing of the Declaration of Independence, to a «hands-on» exploration of the human anatomy, the 3D experience will prove a quantum leap in both conceptual and practical education, allowing students to leave behind the pen and paper and even the keyboard and dive head first into the experience itself.»
Try EON Coliseum Portal version for free for 30 days, view EON Coliseum Getting Started video. Then download and get started at
Please feel free to contact [email protected] if you wish further information or assistance with enhancing your existing or planned learning environments.
About EON Reality
EON Reality, Inc. is the world’s leading interactive 3D visual content management and virtual reality software provider. EON’s solutions enable all organizations to more effectively visually communicate, collaborate and accelerate knowledge transfer. Industry leaders include Atlas Copco, Bechtel, Boeing, Bombardier, Hon, Intel, Lexus, Lufthansa -Teknik, Peterbilt, Samsung, Siemens Medical, Suzuki, Toyota and Whirlpool use EON solutions to enhance the interactive user experience to effectively increase sales, better communicate product functionality and decrease the cost of service, training and technical support. Educational institutions and organizations who have adopted EON’s SBL technology solutions include: the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, the Southeastern Institute of Manufacturing and Technology (located on the campus of the Florence-Darlington Technical College), Honolulu Community College, Old Dominion University, Marquette University, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Discovery World Museum, Oklahoma City Community College, Concord University, Texas State Technical College – Waco, El Paso Community College, University of Alabama, University of Hawaii, University of Kentucky and Fayetteville Technical Community College in North Carolina. For further information, visit