The event at EON Reality’s hometown of Irvine, CA drew industry leaders, government officials and academic minds from all over the world.
IRVINE, CA, March 23, 2023 – EON Reality, Inc. (“EON Reality”), a global leader in Virtual and Augmented Reality (“XR”) industry and education solutions powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), held the first of four scheduled EON Experience Fest events for 2023 on Thursday, March 23, 2023 in Irvine, CA. At this event, the Irvine-based company unveiled its plans for the future of their flagship Spatial AI.
In addition to the groundbreaking new product announcements, presentations from some of EON Reality’s top partners in the area (such as Los Angeles City College and Children’s Hospital of Orange County) and around the world (Toronto’s IBT College, for instance) made for a riveting day of thought-provoking discussions that benefited everyone in attendance both in person and online.
But the biggest news of the day came from EON Reality CEO, Founder and Chairman Dan Lejerskar, who shared a brand new product release for EON AI Assistant and the future of Spatial AI.
For those who are unaware, EON Reality’s innovative solutions combine AI and XR with the world’s largest library for learning (containing over 6 million assets) and a code-free environment for developing new content — both for instructors and students alike. One of the key features of EON Reality’s new AI-powered technology is the use of Spatial AI, featuring a full-bodied avatar that can see, hear, and interact with the world around it.. This AI-driven avatar can show, tell, and teach about various topics using XR demonstrations, and can also guide and assist users in real-world tasks while providing real-time feedback. Additionally, Spatial AI provides a unique layer on top of existing AI-based language models — one explicitly trained with specific information for each segment, initially focusing on academic studies.
Now, in a new update to EON AI Assistant available today, EON Reality is utilizing Spatial AI in all new ways.

AI-Generated Content
The biggest issue EON Reality’s solutions have always faced is content generation. For well over a decade, the easiest solution was to have special developers — whether employed by EON Reality or the partner. That then turned into the code-free solution we now know as EON-XR, which allowed users to create their own content without any programming or software development knowledge. But now, Spatial AI will be doing that work for the users.
EON AI Assistant will be the user’s co-pilot as they learn, teach and create utilizing EON Reality’s solutions. With just a few taps of a button, teachers, trainers, students and employees can all have Spatial AI handle the bulk of the busywork in content creation. The user simply points EON AI Assistant in the right direction, gives it the necessary parameters, and lets the advanced algorithm do the rest. Even on complex and intricate material, the user can have as much or as little say in the content creation as they would like, and everything can be manually reviewed and confirmed before being shared with anyone else.
“Create” Mode
Perhaps the single biggest development in the new update to EON AI Assistant is that it will immediately ask users to choose one of three modes upon launch, with the first of these modes being “CREATE.” Within the Create mode, users will choose whether they want to use AI-based prompts to create a more guided experience tailored to their interests or if they’d prefer an unscripted freestyle experience in which they can start with a blank canvas.
Within the Prompts menu, users will choose first whether they’re interested in education, enterprise or edutainment options, with several categories available for each.
Education will be broken down into different schools often found within a single institution, such as Social and Behavioral Sciences, Fine Arts and Media, Business, Kinesiology and Athletic Training, and CTE/TVET. From there, users will have numerous disciplines to choose from, before finally selecting a topic for EON AI Assistant to create content about.
While the enterprise menu is structured similarly, it asks the user to choose from any of the industries in which EON AI Assistant is currently operational within, such as Manufacturing, Aerospace, Energy, Tourism, Healthcare, Security & Defense, and more. The options for Spatial AI content creation are then provided within each industry vertical.
Regardless of whether the user chooses education or enterprise, they’ll receive the full “Show & Tell” functionality that EON AI Assistant is known for. This includes the automatic generation of dozens of features and content possibilities ranging from knowledge portals and verbal answers to assessments and interactions — with the option to include specific training for organization-specific text, PDFs, images or videos.
Finally, edutainment is a new offering from EON Reality, which features the ability to utilize Spatial AI for informational games and entertainment. These offerings include possibilities such as AI-generated virtual stories, trivia challenges and knowledge games.
“Explore” Mode
The next mode available to EON AI Assistant users is “EXPLORE.” In short, Explore mode is the fusion of AR and Spatial AI that truly showcases the power and capabilities of both technologies. Explore allows the user to learn about their immediate surroundings from EON AI Assistant, including all of the publicly available information about their location (landmarks, climate, etc.) as well as the objects and culture that surrounds them.
Users are able to then place a persistent anchor point to use as reference both for themselves and other users, while also asking the AI about their surroundings by simply pointing their device at something in the real world and selecting it. At that point, EON AI Assistant is able to use its “Guide & Assist” functionality, automatically generating various types of information and content (knowledge portals, interactions, language-based information, etc.) for the selected object and any identified subcomponents or parts of the object. Thanks to the persistent anchor point, this content will remain in that location for the user and any other approved users (including everyone, if set to public) when they arrive and activate EON Reality’s solutions in the same place.
Along with the user’s immediate surroundings, Spatial AI can make recommendations and provide information based on the local time and the user’s personal interests. This means that Explore mode essentially turns EON AI Assistant into an informational travel companion any time the user is visiting a new location.
Additionally, EON AI Assistant now allows users in Explore mode to freely roam about their surroundings, with the AI avatar always making sure to follow them from no more than four meters away regardless of location. As an added bonus, the Spatial AI will now recommend to the user when a new persistent anchor point is needed upon moving too far from the closest one, effectively creating an AI- and AR-powered guided tour of any location.
“Library” Mode
The final new addition for EON AI Assistant users is the “LIBRARY,” which features all of the application framework, administrative and pre-built content. While perhaps not as fun and exciting as the other two modes, Library mode is where users can go to adjust their content categorization, profile settings, and more. It’s also chock full of the administrative tools and resources that organizations will require.
On the content side, Library mode includes EON Reality’s industry-leading library of pre-built content and experiences as well as access to EON Marketplace for those interested in buying the finished creations of other expert users or selling their own. For those unsure about what a completed experience should include or how to best utilize the Spatial AI creation tools, Library mode is a great place to start to provide immediate access to content.
About EON Reality
EON Reality is a leading company in Artificial Intelligence-powered Augmented and Virtual Reality-based experience creation for education and industry. EON Reality’s 25 years of existence and success are tied to its belief that knowledge is a human right and should be available, accessible, and affordable for every person on the planet. To carry this out, EON Reality developed and launched EON-XR, a SaaS-based platform dedicated to the democratization of XR content creation that brings code-free XR development and publishing to smartphones, tablets, laptops, and any other XR-focused devices. EON-XR and many of EON Reality’s other solutions can be used in devices of different sizes, in different shapes and at different types of locations: from hand-held mobile devices, to head-mounted displays, to large-scale screens, and even at mega-size facilities. EON Reality’s global network now comprises more than 1.8 million licenses who are collectively building a vast digital community in more than 75 locations. EON Reality has also created the world’s leading XR library for education and industry with access to at least 6 million assets and counting. For further information, visit