IRVINE, CA, September 9, 2015 – EON Reality Inc., the world leader in Virtual Reality based knowledge transfer solutions for industry, education, and edutainment announces that Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, has selected EON Reality’s platform for its Virtual Reality facility at its newly established ‘Factory of the Future.’
Images from the opening of the Factory of the Future in 2015 July (courtesy of Swinburne University of Technology).
The Factory of the Future hosts a series of co-located studios – each with a specific function but also highly adaptive – to meet industry needs and changing priorities. It is an environment where imaginative designers will collaborate closely with leading engineers to develop innovative products and manufacturing methods, using high tech, advanced visualization and design tools. Much more than a design, research, manufacturing and teaching space, the Factory of the Future is also a hub for actively engaging undergraduate and high school students, alumni and the wider community. It will creatively educate the public on the significance of a vital and vibrant advanced manufacturing industry.
The Factory of the Future also hosts a unique facility of scalable Virtual Reality solutions – including an EON Icube Mobile™ immersive room, a laboratory of EON Ibench Mobile™ desktop systems as well as a range of wearable and mobile Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality systems provided by EON Reality. Apart from being used in industrial collaboration projects and some of the University’s PhD programs, the Virtual Reality facility will also be used by students in Engineering courses starting 2015 fall, as well as Civil Engineering from 2016 onwards.
“The Factory of the Future is a unique facility at our University that include both state of the art rapid manufacturing studios as well as comprehensive Virtual Reality capabilities,” said Dr. Ambarish Kulkarni of Swinburne University of Technology.
Images from the opening of the Factory of the Future in 2015 July (courtesy of Swinburne University of Technology).
“It will facilitate a powerful nexus of design, engineering, technology and industry to create a new home for excellence and output in Australian product design and manufacturing,» said Professor Geoffrey Brooks, of Swinburne University of Technology.
“The Virtual Reality facility at Swinburne University of Technology is EON Reality’s first major installation in Australia to date, and we are delighted to see the facility being up and running,» said Pontus Appelqvist, VP Sales Asia at EON Reality. “The use of scalable VR and AR systems has a strong value proposition in many industries, and the fact that the university now can offer access to the latest technologies in this field both to students, staff and industry partners will create significant collaboration opportunities for the University moving forward.»
About Swinburne University of Technology
Swinburne University of Technology (referred to as Swinburne) is an Australian public university based in Melbourne, Victoria. Swinburne operates five campuses in two countries and has an enrolment of students across vocational, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Swinburne has been ranked one of the world’s top 400 universities by the prestigious 2015 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). This result places Swinburne among the top 3{0fab034ea82b07661647ea8532e9066bcdd529bddfd482414d4493f90063c904} of universities in the world. Swinburne was named one of the world’s top 400 universities by the Times Higher Education University World Rankings 2014–2015. In 2015, Swinburne was ranked for the first time in the Times Higher Education Top 100 Under 50 Rankings, an index of the world’s top universities under the age of 50.
About EON Reality
EON Reality is the world leader in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) based knowledge transfer for industry, education, and edutainment. EON Reality’s success is tied to its belief that knowledge is a human right and should be available, accessible, and affordable for every human on the planet. To carry this out, EON Reality, since 1999, has developed the de-facto standard for Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality based knowledge transfer software that supports devices from mobile phones to large immersive domes. EON Reality’s global app development network, with twenty-two locations worldwide, has created the world’s leading AR/VR library for knowledge transfer with over 7,000 applications. Over 36 million people worldwide have downloaded these applications. For further information, visit