EON AI Impact & Development Program

for Job Creation and Skills Advancement in Education, Enterprise & Communities

EON Reality Inc.
18 Technology Drive, Suite 173
Irvine, CA 92618 United States

Grant Program

I. Overview

EON AI Impact & Development Program is a comprehensive grant and investment initiative aimed at facilitating the large-scale implementation of Spatial AI technology across government, academic, and community sectors

This program is intricately aligned with the mission of the National Spatial AI Center to deploy Spatial AI technology at scale, create job opportunities, and foster the growth of a technologically skilled workforce. 

It is designed to enhance safety and security and to strengthen community and social cohesion through innovative applications of Spatial AI.

This initiative directly supports the National Spatial AI Center’s commitment to:

  • Enhancing education and workforce readiness through our 57,500 Users Platform, with perpetual licenses for created lessons.
  • Providing Unlimited Infrastructure for a robust deployment of Spatial AI technologies.
  • Tailoring 10,000 XR courses to meet diverse educational and industry-specific needs.
  • Creating 500 new job opportunities in the AI sector to foster economic growth and workforce development.
  • Building the foundation for 200 SME’s AI Innovation Hub to encourage state-of-the-art research, development, and collaborative innovation.
  • Allocating up to $300M in Grant Funding to establish a sustainable financial base and ensure the longevity of AI initiatives.

The grant supports solutions and use cases that integrate AI with physical environments, offer personalized AI-driven assistance, and facilitate impactful learning, training, and performance programs across various industries.

II. Purpose

The EON AI Impact & Development Program is intended to provide robust support for initiatives that directly contribute to the operationalization and success of the National Spatial AI Center. The program aims to:

  • Enable Education XR Deployment at Scale to significantly enhance learning outcomes and reduce costs, in alignment with the center’s goal to deliver 10,000 tailor-made courses.
  • Facilitate the establishment of an advanced 57,500 Users Platform to accelerate readiness for future careers and to support workforce development.
  • Support Government efforts in Building up IP & Digital Assets through localized content creation, reflecting the center’s push for collaborative innovation and local IP development.
  • Drive Job Creation with a focus on Workforce Development, upskilling individuals to meet the demands of new XR industry roles and fostering entrepreneurship in the digital economy.
  • Aid Enterprises, particularly 200 SMEs through the AI Innovation Hub, in leveraging Spatial AI for productivity and market responsiveness.
  • Enhance Safety, Security, & Health by deploying technology that serves the well-being of citizens, a core aspect of the center’s infrastructure deliverables.
  • Promote Social Cohesion by fostering community projects that utilize Spatial AI to improve cities and nations.
  • Extend the Global Network that the National Spatial AI Center embodies, creating opportunities for international collaboration and access to a wealth of XR resources.

By focusing on these purposes, the EON AI Impact & Development Program will help organizations to harness the transformative power of Spatial AI and achieve the tangible benefits of cost savings, increased productivity, and a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving global market.

III. Eligibility

Eligibility for the EON AI Impact & Development Grant Program is specifically designed to match the ambitious scope of the National Spatial AI Center’s deliverables. Therefore, applicants must demonstrate a readiness and capability to:

  • Utilize grant resources to support a minimum of 57,500 users on the Spatial AI platform, including educational and workforce development.
  • Implement tailor-made courses, aiming for the delivery of at least 10,000 unique educational programs, adapted to local needs and languages.
  • Facilitate job creation by leveraging the AI Center’s resources to generate a minimum of 500 new roles, with a focus on AI and technology.
  • Develop and support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the AI Innovation Hub framework, promoting an ecosystem of innovation and collaboration.
  • Contribute to or have the capacity for co-funding to secure the $300M Grant Funding, ensuring a vested interest and sustainability of the initiative.
  • Engage with the marketplace to generate revenue and demonstrate a return on investment through the deployment of the AI Center’s offerings.
  • Utilize the infrastructure and partner network to implement and support the expansive roll-out of Spatial AI technology.
  • Only invited nations and their respective governmental, educational, or community-focused organizations are eligible to apply for this Grant Program.
IV. How does it work?

Upon approval of the application, the EON AI Impact & Development Program facilitates the establishment of the EON Spatial AI Center Hub in alignment with the National Spatial AI Center’s framework and deliverables. Here’s how the collaboration and rollout will unfold:

  • Grant Amounts and Distribution: Applicants can receive up to $300 million in funding for national rollouts, which includes setting up the infrastructure to support 50,000 students and 7,500 workers in accordance with the National Spatial AI Center’s 57,500 Users Platform deliverable. This also encompasses access to the world’s largest XR Knowledge Library to support the creation and deployment of 10,000 tailor-made courses.
  • Perpetual Licensing: Consistent with the National Spatial AI Center’s commitment to education and workforce development, all licenses for the created lessons are perpetual. The program may also cover a significant portion of license creation costs for subsequent years through the grant.
  • Implementation Support: EON will collaborate with the applicant to secure additional grants and provide cash grants to expand the program to millions of users, underpinning the operational expenses and ensuring the sustainability of the initiatives aligned with the National Spatial AI Center’s objectives.
  • Ongoing Engagement: Following the signing of the Offer Letter, EON engages in a partnership with the applicant to ensure the deliverables such as marketplace revenue, job creation, and SME innovation hub are effectively realized and leveraged for long-term benefits.
V. Grant Process

To align the grant process with the National Spatial AI Center’s objectives and deliverables, the following steps will be taken:

  1. Introduction Meeting: Introduce the EON AI Impact & Development Program.
  2. Application Submission: Submit an online application with no financial obligations or liabilities.
  3. Committee Determination: The EON AI Impact & Development Program Committee reviews applications within 10 days of receipt.
  4. Certificate of Approval: Successful applicants receive a certificate based on the merits of their application.
  5. XR Solution Deep Dive Meeting: A thorough demonstration of the EON-XR Platform and infrastructure.
  6. Grant Offer Letter: Approved applicants receive a grant offer letter, valid for 20 days.
  7. Delivery and Implementation Plan: EON delivers the EON Spatial AI Center and begins implementing the program.

This structured approach ensures that the grant process is transparent, focused on deliverables, and leads to the successful implementation of the National Spatial AI Center’s objectives.

VI. Review and Award

The EON AI Impact & Development Program Committee, composed of EON’s advisory members and experts in Spatial AI, will oversee the review and award process. The process is designed to ensure that each application’s potential to contribute to the National Spatial AI Center’s goals is thoroughly evaluated:

  1. Application Review: Each application will be reviewed based on its alignment with the National Spatial AI Center’s deliverables, including infrastructure scalability, educational impact, job creation potential, SME support, and innovation in Spatial AI applications.
  2. Scoring System: Applications will be scored on their ability to effectively utilize the grant towards achieving the outlined deliverables, with special emphasis on innovative approaches and the sustainable impact on education, the workforce, and community development.
  3. Award Determination: The committee will consider the application’s overall quality, the organization’s capacity for project implementation, commitment to the deliverables, and the potential for long-term impact. The score assigned by the committee will determine the grant amount to be awarded, up to $300 million USD, based on the application’s merits.
  4. Certificate of Approval: Successful applicants will receive a certificate indicating their selection for the grant, which outlines the next steps for engaging with EON Reality to initiate the project.

The review and award process is designed to be rigorous and fair, ensuring that the most capable and committed organizations receive the support necessary to contribute significantly to the National Spatial AI Center’s objectives.

VII. Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation of applications will be grounded in a set of criteria that reflect the priorities and goals of the National Spatial AI Center:

  • Organizational Capability: The organization’s ability to manage and implement large-scale projects, particularly those involving advanced technology and educational initiatives.
  • Alignment with Deliverables: How well the proposed project aligns with the specific deliverables of the National Spatial AI Center, such as the user platform, educational courses, job creation, and SME innovation.
  • Impact on Workforce and Education: The potential impact of the project on workforce development, job creation, and educational advancements.
  • Innovation and Scalability: The degree of innovation in the proposed use of Spatial AI and the project’s scalability to reach wider communities.
  • Commitment to Localized Content: The organization’s dedication to creating localized content and fostering community engagement and development.
  • Sustainability and Long-term Viability: The project’s sustainability and its potential for long-term impact on the organization and the broader community.

These criteria are designed to identify projects that not only align with the goals of the National Spatial AI Center but also have the potential to create lasting change in their communities and sectors.

VIII. Scores

The EON AI Impact & Development Program Committee will evaluate each application based on the aforementioned criteria, assigning scores on a scale from 0 to 5, where:

  • 0 – Inadequate: The proposal does not address the criterion or fails to demonstrate potential impact in line with the National Spatial AI Center’s deliverables.
  • 1 – Poor: The proposal addresses the criterion minimally, with significant weaknesses and limited alignment with the center’s objectives.
  • 2 – Fair: The proposal shows a basic level of alignment with the center’s deliverables, but there are notable areas for improvement and refinement.
  • 3 – Good: The proposal is solid and demonstrates a good understanding and capability to deliver on the center’s objectives, though some minor shortcomings exist.
  • 4 – Very Good: The proposal is strong, with clear, well-defined plans for achieving the center’s deliverables, exhibiting only minimal weaknesses.
  • 5 – Excellent: The proposal excels in all areas, demonstrating exceptional alignment with the National Spatial AI Center’s deliverables, innovative approaches, and significant potential for impact.
IX. Spatial AI Center National Roll-out Process

Description: This section of the application is designed to evaluate your organization’s readiness and strategy to be a part of the National Roll-out Process for the Spatial AI Center. The process encompasses four key areas: Needs Assessment, Solution Matching, Deliverables, and Key Success Metrics, which are essential for the implementation and success of the Spatial AI Center in your region.

Needs Assessment: Your organization should conduct a thorough SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis in three critical areas:

  • Education: Assess the regional educational needs and how the Spatial AI Center can address them.
  • Job Market: Identify the regional job needs and determine retraining requirements to align with new technological demands.
  • AI Impact: Highlight areas where AI can boost productivity and innovation within your region.

Solution Matching: The next step is to match these needs with appropriate solutions:

  • EON-XR Platform: Determine how region-wide licenses for customized AI courses can be allocated effectively.
  • Learn for Life Academy: Develop strategies to leverage all job opportunities provided by the academy.
  • AI Innovation Hub: Plan for supporting tech startups and fostering local IP and digital collaboration.

Deliverables: Ensure your organization can meet the deliverables with:

  • Grant Funding: Secure EON financial support and articulate plans for national development.
  • Turn-Key Solution: Detail how you will utilize cloud infrastructure, perpetual licenses, tailored XR courses, and access to a vast 3D library.

Key Success Metrics: Finally, your organization must define clear success metrics in:

  • Education: Set targets for student engagement and course implementation.
  • Jobs & ROI: Develop goals for upskilling workers, creating new jobs, cost reduction, revenue increase, and leveraging marketplace for growth.
  • Innovation and R&D: Support the growth of SMEs and local R&D within the AI Innovation Hub, contributing to localized content creation.


  • Provide the name of the individual authorized to apply for this grant on behalf of the organization.
  • Name the person responsible for overseeing the implementation of the grant within your organization.
  • Who will manage the financial aspects of the grant within your organization?
  • Identify the leader within your organization who will champion and guide the project to align with the National Spatial AI Center's objectives.
  • Do you have a contact at EON Reality? If not, how did you hear about the EON AI Impact & Development Grant Program?
  • Implementation

  • Describe your organization's capability and infrastructure to support a user platform for 50,000 students and 7,500 workers as outlined by the National Spatial AI Center.
  • Outline your plan to implement and integrate 10,000 tailor-made courses within your educational or training programs.
  • How will your organization leverage the National Spatial AI Center’s framework to create 500 job opportunities in the AI and XR sectors?
  • Describe your approach to fostering an SME AI Innovation Hub in line with the National Spatial AI Center's deliverables. How will you support 200 SMEs in adopting and innovating with Spatial AI technologies?
  • Provide a high-level plan on how your organization intends to utilize the $300M grant funding to achieve the National Spatial AI Center's objectives. Include any co-funding or additional resources your organization might contribute.
  • Explain how your organization plans to engage with the EON Reality Marketplace. What strategies will you employ to generate revenue and return on investment through the sale or sharing of XR content?
  • How will your organization utilize EON’s pedagogical and technical XR experts to implement the XR Self-Directed Learning Program? Describe your capacity for training and supporting educators in XR integration.
  • Would you like to receive periodic updates from EON Reality about the AR/VR industry and developments in the National Spatial AI Center's network?
  • What is your organization's capacity for supporting users on an education and workforce development platform?
  • How many tailor-made courses does your organization aim to implement within the first year?
  • How many new job opportunities in the AI and XR sectors does your organization aim to create with this grant?
  • How many SMEs does your organization plan to support in adopting and innovating with Spatial AI technologies?
  • How does your organization plan to allocate the grant funding towards infrastructure and educational content development?
  • Does your organization plan to publish XR Content Lessons in the EON Marketplace, and if so, under what terms?
  • How many educators within your organization do you commit to training in XR integration and usage per year?
  • Would you like to receive periodic updates from EON Reality about the AR/VR industry and the National Spatial AI Center's network?
  • National Roll-out Process Integration

    This section evaluates your organization's capacity to integrate with and contribute to the National Spatial AI Center's roll-out process, which includes needs assessment, solution matching, deliverables, and key success metrics.
  • Describe how your organization will conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for education, job market, and AI impact to align with the National Spatial AI Center's needs assessment process.
  • How will your organization match the EON-XR Platform and Learn for Life Academy's solutions to the specific needs identified in your SWOT analysis?
  • Select the deliverables and key success metrics from the National Spatial AI Center's roll-out that your organization is prepared to meet.

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