Content can go where it needs to, from “phone to dome,” using EON Reality’s extensible Virtual Reality software.
IRVINE, CA, August 12, 2014 – EON Reality Inc., the world leader in Virtual Reality based knowledge transfer for industry, education, and edutainment, has dramatically improved EON’s Virtual Reality software to easily support more than thirty Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality platforms using EON Xtend Technology and EON Mobile. This improvement empowers true “phone to dome” extensibility for content created on EON Studio and allows content to travel to where it’s needed.
EON Xtend Technology can bring a desktop app to the Idome’s big screen with ease.
Driving this enhanced extensibility, EON Xtend Technology allows content created for a desktop environment to be conformed to an immersive device. The content is injected with the parameters and settings needed to operate on the specific Virtual Reality hardware. This enables content creators to publish one application instead of customizing versions for each system. For example, a training program that was designed for the immersive EON Icube can be transferred to the EON Ibench Mobile for remote training or home study with minimal additional software configuration.
“With Virtual Reality’s rapidly changing technology, it’s extremely important to have a software platform that can adapt as technology changes,” said Jan Kjallstrom, VP of Product Development at EON Reality. “EON Xtend Technology enables EON to publish to new platforms, keep content relevant for years to come, and change with an organizations VR deployment strategy.”
HMDs such as Oculus and Zeiss Cinemizer are changing the way VR is consumed.
With the increased growth of Virtual Reality consumer display devices (e.g. Oculus Rift and Zeiss Cinemizer), the ability to quickly port content to these varied platforms is paramount. Additionally due to the rapid growth in the HMD marketplace, EON Xtend Technology fills the large content void by enabling EON Reality to quickly redeploy its existing content from the world’s largest Virtual Reality library. These educational, edutainment, and industry applications will further empower users of personal Virtual Reality devices and enable knowledge transfer on a grand scale.
“The shift towards personal and mobile platforms is already shaping the evolution of Virtual and Augmented Reality,” said Dan Lejerskar, Chairman of EON Reality. “By making it easier to publish to these platforms, we’re enabling content developers to easily display their artistry on devices ranging from a mobile phone to EON Reality’s thirty person Idome.”
A phone or tablet now doubles as a window into another world.
The new EON Mobile software brings some of these same benefits to phones, tablets, and AR glasses such as the Apple iPhone 6, Samsung Galaxy S5, Apple Ipad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, and Google Glass. Key among the improvements made to the EON Mobile software, include quick and easy publishing out of EON Studio to both Android and iOS platforms and optimization to increase application performance. Together with improvements to EON Mobile’s Augmented Reality offering, these changes allow for users to take content used in immersive systems and quickly retool these assets for use in the field.
About EON Reality
EON Reality, Inc. is the world’s leading provider of Virtual Reality software, systems, and applications. EON Reality provides state-of-the-art 3D display technology for immersive and stereoscopic viewing, from portable tablet PCs and glass free stereo display systems to curved-screen and immersive rooms consisting of multi-channel projection walls. The technology foundation for developing interactive digital content includes importing the most common 3D animation formats into EON’s authoring software and creating modules and applications that can be viewed on various display systems. EON’s technology solutions enable all organizations to more effectively visually communicate, collaborate and accelerate knowledge transfer. For further information, visit