May 23, 2013 | Featured in 3D Roundabout
EON Reality, the world’s leading interactive 3D software provider, has outlined an ambitious plan to revolutionise learning in mainstream education. As advocates of 3D immersive teaching tools, the company wants to build on the success of 3D learning in the States and change the curriculum and the way children in the UK learn.
The California-based company, which has officially opened its new interactive research and development centre in Manchester, will locate an Entrepreneur Coding School in the building which will offer 100 free places each year to talented young local people who can sign up for a 12 month full-time coding course, starting in September 2013.
The school will deliver a comprehensive training programme aimed at developing Manchester’s digital content workforce, specialising in interactive 3D technology skills. The course will include coding, 3D modeling, design and development, training 500 students over 5 years in these specialist digital skills. The expertise these students will acquire will also be suitable for many other industry sectors, such as architectural and product visualisation work, games creation, multi-media design, design reviews and broadcast media. The top 50 per cent of each cohort will be offered a permanent job with EON Reality upon graduating and one trainee will be awarded an internship in California or Singapore.
Studies have shown that 3D technology improves test results by an average of 17 per cent and increases a child’s concentration. Attention levels rise to 92 per cent during 3D lessons compared to 46 per cent in the traditional learning environment. Interactive 3D technology teaching triggers an interest in learning with levels of questioning increased and questions asked by those who wouldn’t normally engage. This technology also can help children who find learning difficult such as those with conditions such as ADHD, dyslexia, autism.
From as little as £795 per classroom, any school or college can use the EON Reality software and a library of more than 4,000 educational models across a range of core subjects from cellular biology to global geography. Together with a 3D enabled projector and 3D glasses for students to wear, the school is ready for virtual 3D learning.
Mats W. Johansson, Co-Founder, President and CEO of EON Reality explained: « This technology offers a paradigm shift in the way we teach and learn. We are creating a learning revolution that will help future generations become better educated and succeed in core STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects which are currently suffering a decline. We believe ‘seeing is believing’ which is why immersive teaching tools out-perform traditional learning methods across the entire curriculum. 3D Virtual Reality images are so powerful in engaging and explaining that attention levels and test results immediately increase. We are passionate about this technology and excited about the enormous potential it has for improving attainment levels in schools. This type of learning has had a bit impact in the States and we want to make 3D technology the norm for learning in Europe. »
Dan Lejerskar Co-Founder and Chairman of EON Reality, who first used 3D technology when working at Volvo Aerospace as program manager for the Arianne 5 rocket program said: « We want to bring interactive 3D technology into UK schools as this helps children learn faster, retain more knowledge and improve test results. We are passionate about this technology. 3D excites, engages and immerses the viewer in previously inaccessible locations making it ideal for the classroom. The technology has the ability to transport students beyond the boundaries of space and time, making learn fun. »
The US based company will also locate an Entrepreneur Coding School in the building which will offer 100 free places each year to talented young local people who can sign up for a 12 month full-time coding course, starting in September 2013.
Ken Swain, Managing Director of EON Reality in the UK said: « We are creating a circle of education. We’re teaching young people skills to produce 3D teaching tools that will help educate the next generation. The Entrepreneur Coding School is already training its first cohort and the showroom is packed with state-of-the-art 3D technology. Manchester is aspiring to be a global digital city by 2020 and we are determined to help it get there. Our free 12 month coding course can nurture young talent and furnish them with a valuable skill that will set them up for life. »
Read the original online article here.