Enterprise is constantly looking towards better IT in the age of the fourth industrial revolution. Similarly, the EON Reality UK team have been on hand to deliver expertise in Augmented and Virtual Reality (EON-XR) for Industry 4.0 Magazine.

For many years, EON Reality has demonstrated the wide benefits of using Virtual Reality (VR) for training in business settings. Therefore as the fourth industrial revolution accelerates, discovering ways to make ‘easy cost savings’ using immersive technology has quickly taken hold. The use of VR and AR is largely decided upon and influenced by KPIs like staff turnover. As such, quickly up-skilling staff has very quickly become top of the agenda, for some of the world’s biggest companies.

Featured in Industry 4.0 Magazine for EON-XR Expertise

EON Reality UK was invited to speak to Industry 4.0 Magazine, with a focus on the use of VR and Augmented Reality (AR) in manufacturing, repair and operations.


Digital Twins and Virtual Environments

The digital twin is fast becoming an assumed part of the enterprise IT now.

However, in deploying VR and AR, we’ve discovered the need for an immersive platform stems beyond 3D model mapping. It also extends beyond adding anchor points with notes. Moreover, digital twins can now be used as virtual machines for predictive analytics, training and performance assessments which remove the downtime required for these processes to traditionally happen within industrial environments.

AR and VR are perfect technologies to help support learning, training and performing in almost any work space. Company equipment – in fact, entire production lines – can be duplicated with Digital Twins. These can in turn, be interacted with, inside a Virtual Environment (VE).

This can help staff learn about equipment before seeing the physical device, train on specific procedures and processes in a safe environment, and then improve performance by assisting them directly in the field with live data, augmented instruction and guidance.

Industry 4.0 Magazine also asked EON Reality about its experience in VR and AR application design . Specifically, this was in relation to the UK manufacturing industry.

Smart Manufacturing

Smart manufacturing and operations as a whole provides value in allowing employees to make mistakes in safe, controlled environments. Optimising behaviours virtually allows operatives – at all levels – to develop better instincts.

With VR and AR, they can also improve reaction times and decision making. This is crucial in supporting the knowledge base for employees who have to know how to react. For example, low-probability, high-danger scenarios can be tricky to rehearse. An EON Reality example of VR for solving this business problem, is our work across the Energy industry. We continue to support clients such as Shell, and ExxonMobil with the latest EON-XR technology.

Augmented Virtual Reality (VR) provides them with valuable experience that we feel will reduce the number of potential accidents on site, as well as damage to buildings and equipment.

EON Reality has a unique, two decade strong history of working with AR and VR technologies. We have a global footprint and track record. This industry experience created EON-XR and a suite of AR and VR products support our ‘Learn, Train, Perform’ paradigm.

EON-XR, Built for Industry 4.0

The EON-XR platform was built with enterprise in mind. It facilitates immersive learning for industry with authoring tools, LMS data and performance analytics. In addition, these powerful feature sets allow businesses, learning designers and training managers to create and customise VR learning scenarios, and AR performance workflows.

You can read Steve’s full interview piece from pages 24-27, below:

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